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We Improve Sales Execution Maturity.

Equip Sales Managers. Embed Execution Disciplines.
Liberate Sales Growth.

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Is sales execution your growth barrier?

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How You May Experience Weak Sales Execution

Low Enablement Traction

Only 34% of leaders say the expectations of sales enablement are being met.

Strategic Misalignment

Only 23% of buyers chose sales reps as a top-three resource to solve business problems.

Low Return on Sales Resources

Salespeople only spend 32% of their time selling. Only a third of their time.

Poor Customer Experience

Less than 11% of B2B buyers say sales professionals exceed their expectations.

*CSO Insights
the barrier

We Embed Sales Execution Disciplines

We equip sales managers to embed sales execution disciplines into the fabric of  your business – liberating the value of your sales enablement and growth initiatives.
a case for change

Liberating Sales Growth

Growth is the

Every business understands the importance of sales growth through the consistent creation and delivery of customer value. Yet many struggle to achieve sustainable sales performance. To solve this problem, many businesses focus on training and enabling their frontline salesforce – but this only part of the puzzle.

Enablement is the

Selling is not merely a skill; it is an ecosystem through which your sales resources are maximized. Sales enablement therefore exists to maximize your yield, by focusing sales resources to create more customer value. However, for enablement to work., it requires the discipline of sales execution.

Execution is the

Without great execution, all the technologies and methodologies, all the strategies and tactics and all the enablement and development will struggle to gain traction. To enable sales growth, sales execution needs to be embedded into the fabric of your business. Sales execution liberates sales enablement.

SMDP Graduates
Global Connect Attendees
People in Sales to Influence
Cups of Coffee
the work we do

What We Do

We Assess
where you are now


Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. We assess your organizations maturity across the 8 critical and 4 optional sales execution disciplines. This gives us both an insight into your roadmap, as well as a benchmark against which to measure impact down the road.

Sales Execution Maturity

We Accelerate
your execution maturity


The job of a Sales Manager is to drive customer value, by executing the strategy, through their people, in order to get the number. They are the custodian of execution. We work these managers over a 12-month period to embed sales execution disciplines . They continue with their journey to mastery on our continuous professional development platform.

Sales Management Development

We Align
your sales eco-system


Focused and aligned resources are critical if you want to drive sales growth at a sustainable yield. To drive this focus, we work with the other four roles in the sales eco-system. Therefore in parallel with Sales Managers we support Sales Professionals, we mentor Sales Leaders, we consult with Sales Enablement, and we align Business Leaders.

Sales Eco-system Alignment

We Activate
your sales enablement


If sales execution is the track, sales enablement is the train. We consult with Sales Enablement to drive key initiatives deep rather than wide. We work to ensure your initiatives are activated and embedded in your business. This ensures you extract the maximum value as you scale. Examples include Value Proposition Activations, Sales Strategy Activations, Account Management Activations, etc.

Sales Enablement

How We Do It

Our DEFT Approach
adj. Neatly skillful and quick in one's movements.

D icon for DEFT
Disciplines Establish a Mature Sales Execution Culture.

This is not about self-discipline. This is about creating the cadence and habits that establish the sales execution disciplines that become part of your culture.

E icon for DEFT
An Execution Culture Liberates your Enablement and Growth Initiatives.

Sales enablement growth initiatives often fail to meet expectations. This is not due to a lack of intent or effort, or a flawed initiative – by due to a lack of execution maturity.

F icon for DEFT
Thinking Frameworks make Disciplines Practical to Embed.

At the heart of any new discipline there often lies a simple, organizing system—an underlying structure and order. Complexity is the enemy of execution. Frameworks simplify.

Y icon for DEFT
Disciplines are not established instantly,  they embed over Time.

Embedding sales execution disciplines into the fabric of your business is therefore a journey to mastery – not an event.

Our methodology
Luzaan Van Wyk

“GrowthMatters has provided the platform that is supporting the Commercial Capabilities team to develop critical capabilities that drive performance in our global organisation. Whether training programs or consultative support, GrowthMatters offering is real relevant and of a world class standard.”

// senior manager // sub-saharan africa
Samantha Wessels

“I have never seen such a robust and yet pragmatic approach to managing performance in sales people. A must for this profession.”

// Head of Global Sales Enablement // london
Marius Stoop

“This program is world-class, and it has changed the difficulty of sales management into a manageable system.  Their wealth of experience comes to its full, and is enlightening to say the least.  In short, I would have to describe it as life changing.”

// sales & marketing director // GAUTENG
Andrew Briggs

“The choice for our global sales management enablement programme. Doesn’t disappoint - pragmatic; focused on execution; exceeds expectations.”

// global head of sales // england
Koena Koko

“The one-on-ones are the number one thing for me that has turned my business around. I managed to get the flow right, with meeting my sales team in one-on-ones and making sure that we follow up on the expectations that were set and agreed upon. It’s helped the reps operate better and they’re thinking differently and that’s the power of the frameworks.”

// senior SALES manager // SOUTH africa
William Du Preez

“The biggest success story for me was turning our biggest region around. If you look at Introstat, we’re a sales organization, as much as we have a massive operation behind sales - No sales, no business! So to change that culture within the organization to let everyone know that they are a part of a sales process, the sales eco-system, that certainly was a big win for me.”

who we are

Who We Are

Our History
We are a fast growing business started in 2014 by 2 guys passionate about making a difference.  Focused on sales and sales management excellence.   We have worked with over 1 000 sales managers in 35 countries.  Growth Matters International is a growing team with new global locations being added annually.

Our Mission
We exist to embed practical sales execution disciplines into the fabric of your business – so you can drive sustainable growth in your business.

Our Belief
We believe, with certainty, that the best investment any business can make in sales results is through sales manager development, the custodians of execution.

Our Values
We stand for excellence in all we do, in people with integrity, and for courage in vulnerability.

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Our Purpose
To unlock the potential of one million people in the profession of sales by embedding sales execution disciplines into the fabric of organizations.

Serve Your Profession

We aim to influence one million people in the sales profession.

Join our Global Connect Community to gain access to complimentary sales thought leadership keynotes
and masterclasses.

You don't have to do it all alone.

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Meet the Team

We are expanding all the time as we find the key ingredients to building a global business – built for sales by people who love (and know) sales.

A profile photo of Tony Cross
Tony Cross
Growth Matters International
Chief Executive Officer
A profile photo of Alan Versteeg
Alan Versteeg
Growth Matters International
Chief Revenue Officer
A profile photo of Christo Jansen van Rensberg
Christo Jansen van Rensberg
Growth Matters International
Chief Operations Officer
A profile photo of René Marrie
René Marrie
Growth Matters International
Office Manager
A profile photo of Andy Brown
Andy Brown
Growth Matters International
Facilitator and Coach
A profile photo of Wendy-Ann Pastor
Britta Lorenz
Growth Matters International
Facilitator and Coach
A profile photo of Daniel Robus
Daniel Robus
Growth Matters International
Facilitator and Coach
A profile photo of Wendy-Ann Pastor
Wendy-Ann Pastor
Growth Matters International
Facilitator and Coach
A profile photo of Kelby Pastor
Kelby Pastor
Growth Matters International
A profile photo of Wendy-Ann Pastor
Mumbi Mukuka
Growth Matters International
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Growth Matters International
Temple Court, 2 Labourdonnais St, Port Louis, Mauritius
Growth Matters Africa
The Station, Parade on Kloof Office Park, 1 Parade Rd, Bedfordview 2007, Gauteng, South Africa
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