Shift Happens!

COVID has thrown us into a rate of change few of us have experienced in our lifetimes. Sales targets have been affected; company strategies changed; team structures realigned; and supply chains disrupted – just to name a few impacts on the sales eco-system. Forced to change the way you lead, manage, work, communicate, sell and socialize – many people are struggling to manage this rate of change and are clamoring to come up for some air.

As individuals and leaders begin to settle into the new ways of working, COVID is by no means behind us, and the pandemic will continue to impact the change for a while still. Yet continuous change has always been part of the business landscape – only the rate and impact can be different. But how have some leaders, managers and sales professionals found ways to adapt and even to thrive?

Because organisations don’t change, people in organisations change.

Jack Welch, the former chairman of General Electric, said “When the rate of change on the outside of a company exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.”

Change is therefore not merely a process you manage. Navigating continuous change requires not just the management of the process, but the buy-in of the people, and the agility to rapidly adapt to changing circumstance.

In this Global Connect Keynote as we share with you the mindset of strong change leaders, and an 8-step process to help you navigate the continuous change of todays sales landscape.